Lutheran Pastor
Pastor LaFeve is married to Talitha. Both of them are from Lansing, MI and first met through mutual friends in November, 2005. On May 30, 2019 they celebrated ten years of marriage. They have three children, Eliana (5), Noah (2), and Daniel (born August, 2019).
Pastor LaFeve enjoys spending countless hours with his family. He also enjoys reading and being active outdoors running, hiking, camping, and playing ultimate frisbee. Talitha enjoys spending countless hours with her family. She also enjoys reading, hiking, sewing, knitting, and baking.
Pastor LaFeve graduated from Concordia University, Ann Arbor in 2005 with a Bachelor's degree in Religious Studies. He enrolled at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO and graduated in 2010 with his Master's of Divinity. While at Concordia, St. Louis he took advantage of the opportunity to study for a term at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN and also spent an academic year studying at Westfield House, the Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, located in Cambridge. Following graduation, he stayed an extra year at the Seminary to pursue his Master's of Sacred Theology (STM) in New Testament Exegesis with a minor in Systematic Theology. He earned his STM in May of 2017. In August of 2018 he began a Doctor of Ministry program at Duke Divinity School in the area of leadership in the Christian Tradition and hopes to graduate in May of 2021.
Pastor LaFeve was ordained into the Pastoral Ministry and installed at his first Parish, Atonement Lutheran, Spring Valley, CA on July 31, 2011. He accepted the Divine Call to serve as Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran, Leland, MI on May 31, 2015. He was installed at Immanuel on July 19, 2015.
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