Welcome to the Peer Network
The Northwest Michigan Peer Support Team is a big idea coming to life. The mission is to bind together peers from every agency in our region, organize resources and stand ready to be a helping hand. We are an all encompassing peer network that encourages and facilitates universal participation of all public service agencies. EMS, LEOs, 911 dispatchers, ER Nurses, and firefighters have much more in common than we give credit to. Let’s come together as a synergistic force!
Peers are a certain “breed” within our community of public servants. Not everyone is peer material. Our Peers have their own strengths and weaknesses which will become apparent through feedback and reputation. The goal of the Northwest Michigan Peer Network is to build the best collaboration of peers and clinicians to address issues scattered throughout our region. We strive to deliver rapid responses to requests for help. Our goals is only reached by committed & selfless peers, as well as with the support of the regions first responders and mental health professionals.
This is a 100% volunteer undertaking. All of our responding Peers and Clinicians are trained to the minimum level of Group and Individual Crisis Intervention as determined by the ICISF. We are also registered as a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team with the Michigan Crisis Response Association. This covers us and ensures airtight confidentiality and protection for our team members and those utilizing our services through Michigan Senate Bill 444.
We are convinced that this will develop into an incredible asset for all public servants in Northwest Michigan and are excited for the future!